Since we got to work on the cosmic ordering section here at Widibi, a couple of people have asked about the relationship between cosmic ordering and writing – or where words fit.
If you’ve been with us for a while, you’ll know I write not only here but also as a profession. If there’s a way to use words for something, I’ll find it. Even if there isn’t, I’ll try to create one!
While writing is a convenient tool for the law of attraction, from manifestation journals to the 5×55 manifestation method, it’s not as significant in cosmic ordering.
I get the impression that Barbel Mohr, who I most closely associate with originating cosmic ordering, wasn’t a massive writer. Sure, she has several books to her name, including The Cosmic Ordering Service (which started it all for me) and Instant Cosmic Ordering. However, her books tend to fall into the ‘novella’ category based on length.
That’s not a bad thing. Cosmic ordering isn’t a complex concept. It doesn’t have the depth of practising the law of attraction. Barbel Mohr had ideas and techniques, put them down on the page and didn’t milk it.
Crucially, she has never really focused on writing as a critical component of cosmic ordering.
A Personal Cosmic Ordering Experience
The most crucial consideration when it comes to cosmic ordering and writing is that the process is all about doing what works for you.
On a personal level, that’s not how I do it. Like I said, usually, if I can write something instead of any other form of communication, I’ll take it. This is one of those rare occasions where I don’t, mainly because I don’t need to.
I’ve mentioned before that my cosmic ordering process involves looking up (even when inside) and saying, “I’d like to order….” And that’s it!
The concept of cosmic ordering means that whatever you decide is the right way to place an order will ultimately come to pass.
When something so simple works for me, there’s no reason to do anything else. I don’t need a pen and paper to place an order. I haven’t got to type anything on a computer.
Sure, I’ve almost always got my phone on me. However, in the time it takes to take it out of my pocket, unlock it, open the notes app and jot something down, I’ve already placed cleared my mind of the order, letting the universe take its course.
You Can Write Cosmic Orders
I’m loathed to change a winning system, especially when it comes to something as unpredictable as ordering from the universe.
That’s certainly not to say you can’t.
If you decide to wear ceremonial robes and meditate in a circle of scented candles when you place a cosmic order, that’s what will end up working for you.
That’s an extreme example, but it drives home the point that if you decide that writing down cosmic orders is the best approach, that’s what it will become for you.
Always keep in mind that if you want to write down your cosmic orders, you’re not wrong. You can place cosmic orders hanging upside down like a bat if it makes you comfortable and helps you believe and be positive. Cosmic ordering is a concept where all roads lead to Rome, to coin a phrase.
Why Write Down Cosmic Orders?
If you do decide to write your orders down, there are some potential benefits:
- Writing is very deliberate and enables you to focus solely on the order
- Writing something down is a great way to inspire more ideas – and there’s no limit to how much you can order at any given time
- You can always erase something and start again if you change your mind
Why Not to Write Down Cosmic Orders
Just to reiterate, there is nothing at all wrong with writing down your orders. Nevertheless, here are a few reasons why you might decide against it:
- There are quicker options out there that don’t involve having something to write on to hand
- Cosmic ordering relies on essentially forgetting about the order and trusting that it’ll be delivered – writing it down keeps a record, and it can be tempting to refer back to it
- If you establish writing orders down as your method of choice, you might be tied to it when something else might work more quickly or efficiently
Again, there is nothing at all wrong with writing down your orders, but make sure you’re happy to continue doing so and don’t be tempted to check up on them. While the law of attraction thrives on focus and repetition, the cosmic ordering concept doesn’t share the same traits. That’s one more reminder that while cosmic ordering and the law of attraction share many similarities, it’s worth exploring both and working out which works best for every scenario independently.
Can Writing Still Play a Part in Cosmic Ordering?
You know me – if there’s a way to incorporate writing into something, I’ll try it. One area in which I’ve found that writing down orders comes in handy is the period before you place them.
Cosmic ordering thrives on being specific. It also works exceptionally quickly in my experience. At times, I’ve used cosmic orders like jigsaw puzzle pieces. By that, I mean that I’ll think of smaller orders which, when put together, make for more than the sum of their parts.
I’m a big fan of breaking down more significant tasks and objectives into their smaller constituent parts, and that extends beyond cosmic ordering.
Let’s say, for example; you’re hosting an upcoming party. Placing a cosmic order for the party to go well might not qualify as being specific enough for the technique to work.
However, if you break it down into the food arriving on time, someone specific accepting the invitation and someone to help cleaning up afterwards, you stand every chance of succeeding.
Writing down an order before placing it doesn’t reduce the chance of delivery. I’ve even created mind maps out of different orders, along with a schedule of sorts for placing them. After all, nothing beats jotting things down when it comes to organising ideas.
You might wonder why I don’t just place the orders with my trusty technique as they come to me. It all comes down to fitting them together. For example, your ultimate goal might be C. However, before C can happen, A and B need to happen first. I don’t want to forget that C is the final goal, so I write it down. However, I order A first and only once it arrives do I move on to B and ultimately C.
Cosmic Ordering and Writing – In Summary
Writing has a place in the world of cosmic ordering, but it shouldn’t be a priority. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with sketching out a plan, and a written order has no less chance of success than a spoken one.
However, if you consider cosmic ordering as another manifestation method, it’s best suited to quick wins. As outlined above, there are just as many reasons not to write down a cosmic order as to do so. Getting into the habit of writing these orders down can become needlessly complicated.
If you do decide to go down the written cosmic order route, ensure you’re happy to stick with it. If you think there’s an easier way for you – and the best way to place a cosmic order is however it works best in your world – don’t be afraid to prioritise it.