In the context of manifestation, an affirmation is a positive statement of what you want to manifest, framed in the present and with gratitude. They’re important because they’re one of the very best ways to communicate with the universe, as they’re structured to ensure you send the right kind of energy upwards in an effort to get what you want.

A typical affirmation involves the following ingredients:

The 5 Pillars of Successful Affirmations

Framing your statement like this matters because it communicates exactly what you want to the universe while also putting you in precisely the right frame of mind to make it happen.

  • Presence in affirmations reflects the fact that the universe doesn’t view time in the same way we do – there is only the present, and so there’s no concept of us not having something
  • Gratitude matters because it demonstrates that you’re thankful for what you’ve already received, and what you’re about to. It’s also an extremely powerful positive emotion, which always helps when manifesting
  • Positivity reinforces the statement in your own mind, while also adding to its potency. Positive energy is more powerful than negative when it comes to universal laws, and it’s not like anyone would want to manifest something bad for themselves!
  • Clarity isn’t essential in every affirmation, but it can’t be ignored when manifesting. If you want the universe to get something to you quickly and exactly as you want it, make sure to tell it precisely what you want
  • Feeling is a key part of manifestation and while it starts with positivity and gratitude, they’re not the only emotions you might include. Remember, affirmations aren’t about the words themselves, but how they make you feel when you say or write them – or even think or listen to them.

Do You Have to Use Affirmations for Manifesting?

Manifesting is a really personal activity, and what works for one person might not work for another. There are manifestation methods that don’t require someone to use affirmations, and perhaps the best example of all involves vision boards.

Vision boards rely heavily on the concept of visualization to create their magic. They can involve, pictures, words or a combination of both, but they don’t necessarily have to incorporate affirmations.

Of course, if you decide to make a vision board, that doesn’t mean you have to neglect affirmations.

I have multiple vision boards (including my own creation, the instant vision board), but I also have multiple manifestation lists and always strive to keep my rotating affirmation list up to date. They all include affirmations, but vision boards don’t have to.

The act of seeking out an image or writing some words that aren’t an affirmation to put on your vision board is just as powerful as forming an affirmation in a sentence. That’s because, once again, it’s not the words or pictures that make your manifestation happen. Instead, it’s the feeling and the consistency.

The whole point of vision boards is you put them where they’re most effective for what you want to manifest. By constantly reminding you of what you’re working towards, you’ll boost your mindset and overall positivity, and send that energy out into the universe.

Are Affirmations Relevant Beyond Manifestation?

Affirmations might be the building blocks of manifestation, but there’s much more to them than just using the law of attraction. Thousands of people all over the world use daily affirmations with absolutely no concern at all for the law of attraction – they might not even know what it is! If that includes you and you’d like to find out more about it, you can start here!

If not, that’s no reason to ignore the power of affirmations. The good news is that even if you have no interest in the law of attraction itself, affirmations can help you manifest. Just because you don’t actively get involved with that particular law, doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply. It is a law, after all!

Even if you keep things simple and make short statements each morning to set you up for the day, you’ll positively affect your mindset and might even manifest what you’re saying.

Let’s say you’re trying to manifest a new car, and you know exactly the make and model you’re looking for. You might say:

“I’m so grateful to be able to drive around in my brand new red Ford Fiesta.”

Do people go out of their way to manifest Ford Fiestas? Probably not, but it’s become something of a running joke here on the site.

Want to manifest a Ford Fiesta?

On the other hand, you might not want to manifest a specific car – you just want to feel a certain way. Your affirmation might read:

“I’m so happy to feel motivated today.”

You might not manifest anything through saying that. You might get a little extra motivation from the universe, but that’s about it. Even if the universe doesn’t get involved, or you don’t believe it will, you’ve made a commitment to yourself. Never forget that words are powerful, and even talking to yourself can be every bit as powerful as you need it to be to achieve something.

Affirmations in Manifestation – In Summary

As far as I’m concerned, if you want to manifest something, affirmations are the best way to go about it. They underpin many of the most conventionally successful manifestation techniques, from the 5×55 method to manifesting journals.

It’s not the only option, and you can certainly manifest what you want without affirmations. However, for simplicity, consistency, and effectiveness, I’m a firm believer that affirmations are almost always the right way to go. Even though your vision board doesn’t specifically require affirmations, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t include them where they make sense – and you’ve got the added benefit of there always being something to refer to when you want to put them into practice!