The science of the law of attraction is always going to be a tricky subject. The idea of the existence of a law of attraction came about without any specific scientific research. It grew in popularity mainly through word of mouth. After all, if someone came to you with a foolproof way to make your life better and get everything you ever wanted, you’d listen, right?

Its popularity grew even more over the years, with pop culture often incorporating the law and its various ideologies and teachings. It almost feels like a trend, coming in and out of fashion a couple of times every generation. However, rarely is the science of the law of attraction discussed in any serious fashion.

I’ll admit before we go any further that I’m no scientist. What you’re about to read is a combination of research and opinion. With that in mind, I’ll say immediately that there’s no true scientific basis to the law of attraction at the time of writing. However, moves are certainly being made in that direction, and I still hold out hope that the law will be ‘proven’ in one way or another in my lifetime.


The Law of Attraction and Physics

Based on my schooling, long ago, I consider the breakdown of the sciences as being biology, chemistry and physics. I wasn’t particularly good at any of them! However, I know enough through my own experience and research that of the three main categories, the law of attraction shares the most in common with physics.

After all, the concept all comes down to energy. The energy you project and the vibrations you make affect things around you. Even thoughts take energy, and thinking about the right things in the right way will cause the manifestation of everything you could possibly want or need.

The Basic Science of the Law of Attraction

While specific proof is hard to find, there is one concept that always draws my attention. Everything on Earth, from the birth of a child to the building of a desk, stems from thought. Virtually everything we see around us, no matter where we are, all started out as a simple thought.

If you can look at a cardboard box from Ikea and manifest the creation of a desk from what’s contained therein, surely it’s possible that the power of thought can do even more?

Science or Spiritualism?

I’ve already admitted I’m not much of a scientist. I’m not much of a spiritualist either. I’m in the camp whereby the law of attraction works and I don’t know why. I’m just happy that it does. Honestly, I prefer not to dwell on the how and the why. This is a case where I don’t need evidence from others, and I’m happy with my own experience.

Much of it comes down to experience. The hints and evidence are out there for those that are willing to make the time and effort to find them. It could be seeing double numbers and acting upon their interpretation. It might be seeing something on your vision board enter your life for the first time. There’s nothing like personal proof to verify something in your mind, even if you can’t explain it.

The Science of the Law of Attraction in Quantum Physics

Of all the disciplines in physics, quantum physics is the one that is most closely connected to the law of attraction. Given how often we refer to the universe and energy, that makes a lot of sense.

Those that take a scientific approach to the law of attraction do so through this branch of science. Manifestation, in particular, is closely associated with the knowledge and practices of that area. In science, the more people that direct their attention toward a specific set of electrons, the more influence they have over what happens as a result.

Thinking along the same lines, the more effort someone puts into harnessing control over their energy output, the more of a say they will have over what happens as a result.

Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt demotivated and uninspired? Did it feel like days would come and go and nothing would really change?

The chances are that you didn’t direct any energy in any particular way. If you’re at a point where you’d prefer the days to come and go without incident, the chances are they will. You could be happy that nothing bad happens, but you might be concerned that nothing good happens either.

Of course, this does not, in itself, bear any relation to science. There are scientists out there that use positive thinking and the law of attraction as the basis for their own lives, but few would willingly put forth any kind of scientific basis to the process. In most cases, they, like me, continue with the concept because it works for them – not because they have any proof to demonstrate to others.

Mirror Neurons

One of the more recent discoveries in the brain is mirror neurons. They were first identified in monkeys and soon found in humans too. You’ll have seen monkeys that mimic those around them, including humans and other monkeys. This is part of the brain that encourages someone to mimic what others they observe do.

It makes me think of contagious yawning first and foremost, but it also lends credence to the idea of surrounding yourself with people you aspire to be like. If you enter a circle of individuals that display the characteristics you want, the brain may pick up on this and modify your behaviour accordingly. If your friends are always positive and happy, your mind may force you into a state of positivity and happiness too. If your friends have great jobs and lots of money, you may find yourself mimicking their hard-working, friendly natures, introducing the same ideas into your own life.

The Psychology of the Law of Attraction

One other point I’d like to touch on regarding the science of the law of attraction is psychology. Again, I’m not a professional in the area, but I firmly believe that mindset, gratitude and positivity can influence what happens around you.

Given that a vital component of the law of attraction is the manifestation of your dreams and desires, positivity and gratitude work perfectly to make it happen. If you’re positive, you’ll grasp opportunities. If you’re grateful, people will remember you positively and might be able to make something else happen down the line.

Science of the Law of Attraction – In Summary

Rightly or wrongly, you won’t find eminent scientists coming out in support of the law of attraction – at least not with scientific evidence. I cannot say for sure that it’s impossible to prove the law of attraction scientifically; only that it’s impossible to do so today.

It’s entirely fair to be sceptical, so I’ll suggest trying it for yourself. My belief and continued usage of the process stems from personal evidence and anecdotes. If you keep your request simple and focus hard, you’ll have the opportunity to experience it for yourself. If my experiences are anything to go by, you’ll only need to see the law of attraction in action once to have all the confidence you could possibly need in keeping going.