When to make a vision board comes down to a couple of different factors. The most important is how experienced you already are in the process of putting a vision board together. I won’t string you along – you’ll fall into one of two camps. You’ll either have made a vision board before, or you won’t. If you’re the latter, then there’s no time like the present. If you’ve already got a vision board and you’re happy with your goals and achievements so far, there’s less need to rush. Of course, if you’ve created a board before, but you’re unhappy with it for whatever reason, the question becomes a bit more complicated.
When to Create Your First Vision Board
If you’re here reading this article and you’ve never created a vision board before, the chances are that you’d like to. The good news is it’s not complicated. I’m not going to go into a massive amount of detail on how in this feature as there are plenty of resources here at Widibi to get you started – check out the related posts at the bottom of this feature to get you up and running.
As for when to create it, how about right now? I love just about every topic covered on this site, and one of the best things about virtually all of them is that they’re incredibly personal to you. If someone says to you that your vision board ‘must look like this’ or ‘needs to be made from this’, you can safely discount your opinion.
Making a vision board is an individual and, more importantly, a creative exercise where you can express yourself and do whatever feels right and meets your needs.
If you’ve got a traditional vision board in mind, with a large sheet of card and a load of magazines and a pair of scissors, don’t let that slow you down. Even I, one of the biggest vision board fans in the world, once procrastinated because I felt like I didn’t have the things I thought I needed. I can’t speak for everyone, but large sheets of card aren’t easy to come by in my home!
Fortunately, just like law of attraction scripting, it’s less about what you create on, and more about the creative process itself. If you’re reading this article, you have a phone, computer or tablet. That means you’ve already got everything you need to start your first vision board.
So, if you’re new to it and you’re wondering when is the perfect time to make your first vision board, I’d suggest right away! Open up your notes app or head to Canva and start putting down whatever comes to mind. There are no wrong answers, but if you’re struggling to get started, there are plenty of resources here on the site to help you out.
When to Create a Vision Board When You Already Have One
Is your vision board working for you? And I mean really working? If you created one on your phone once and have never revisited it, the answer is ‘no’. If you went out and got your large piece of card and had a great time sticking pictures to it, but it’s in a cupboard gathering dust, you have the same answer.
Vision boards don’t work for everyone, but they do require time and patience. Be honest with yourself and think about whether you demonstrated that kind of patience in putting down your dreams and goals and giving them time to happen. If you can genuinely answer that you didn’t, I’d suggest scrapping the old one and starting anew. With that said, your thoughts and goals probably haven’t changed all that much unless it was years ago, so you can always use the old one for inspiration.
If you still have your current vision board on display and you’re still waiting for things to click, it could well still be valid. Unlike some, I don’t feel there’s any particular magic to these boards, and they don’t necessarily even have to involve the law of attraction. They might just inspire you and help to focus your mind on your goals. Critically, just because something hasn’t happened yet doesn’t necessarily mean that it never will.
Do you need a new vision board, or do you just need a change?
If it’s up on the wall or regularly accessed electronically, take a moment to look at your vision board. Take in everything on there. Is it still relevant? If half of the content still represents your goals and ambitions, I’d suggest sticking with it and building from there. If more than half is now irrelevant or no longer represents your ambitions, I’d recommend starting over. As above, that means sooner rather than later if possible!
If your old vision board is still relevant, but not entirely so, think about your options. If you’ve gone traditional and glued pictures to a card, is it a simple task to remove those pictures and replace them with something more relevant or would you end up in a sticky, torn mess? If that’s the case, then I’d again suggest starting over with a clean slate – but don’t forget to keep the pictures that still matter to you!
If your vision board is digital, you have more flexibility. Even if you saved it as a flat file and you don’t have the original any longer, you can always paint over the bits that don’t matter and start adding again in any image editing program. Once again, I like Canva, but if you have a few more design skills, you can always try something like Photopea for more control and effects.
When to Make a Vision Board for a Specific Situation
My friends get a lot of mentions here on the site, so I’ll have to make sure to introduce you one day! For now, I’ll refer to one that specialises in vision boards. He not only creates them and plans his life around them, but he speaks to adults and children alike on the subject. You’ll probably hear a lot about him in the coming months!
He creates several vision boards every week. The walls of his home are entirely plastered with them in every room, to the point that it will be a long time before he needs new wallpaper or a paint job. That’s because he firmly believes that vision boards come without a time limit. He has several long-term boards, but he’s not opposed to creating a vision board for a particular day or even a specific situation.
He doesn’t make a vision board every day, and neither do I. However, if he has something important coming up, like a job interview, presentation or meeting, he will make one. Personally, I’ll either create a vision board or write a script. If you’re more visually inclined, go with a vision board. If you prefer to write, try a script. If you’re unsure, have a go at both, or read my article on what I like to call the Instant Vision Board for potentially the best of both worlds!
When to Make a Vision Board – In Summary
As we draw this feature to a close, I’d like to remind you that there are no wrong answers with vision boards. There are plenty of hints and tips to get it right here at Widibi and elsewhere, but they’re suggestions based on what works for others. What might work for you could be totally different.
With that said, as a big supporter of the concept, there are various cases where I’d suggest making a vision board as soon as possible. The most obvious case is when you don’t already have one. There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain. Similarly, if you’ve tried in the past, but either haven’t seen any results or have given up on the concept, it doesn’t hurt to start over – and you should do so sooner rather than later!
If you have a vision board already and are somewhat pleased with the progress, it might be worth refreshing rather than restarting. Finally, if you need to put something together for a specific event or occasion, that’s another reason to get started right away.
Do you create vision boards on a schedule? Have you seen fantastic success using them to set goals and reach targets? Let us know in the comments!